Working at Dohop

We offer a unique work environmentthat fosters flexibility, creativity, and productivity.

Our values are at the heart of what we do.

Be curious

Curiosity encourages us to explore, experiment for innovation, solve problems creatively, act decisively, and embrace change willingly.

Keep it simple

Keeping it simple allows us to communicate openly, act swiftly, and solve problems effectively. Keeping it simple empowers us to optimize processes, and collaborate effectively.

Be genuine

We keep our feet on the ground and our heads in the sky. We keep it real, we are unapologetically ourselves, and we dream big.

Have fun

We show up to work as our whole selves and collaborate through experimentation, creativity, and a joyful atmosphere

We stand by what we believe — join a truly flexible workplace and enjoy the ride!


Dohoppers enjoy a range of benefits that promote a healthy work-life balance. This includes:

  • Flexible working hours and the option to work remotely

  • Freedom to decide when and where to work

  • Home internet and mobile phone reimbursement so you can stay connected

  • Flexible holidays - you get to decide when and how long you would like to take off


Dohop recognizes the importance of personal and professional growth.

  • We have an in-house coach who meets with teams and individuals to provide guidance and support

Daily perks

We provide our Dohoppers with a fun and comfortable working environment. This includes:

  • Green commuting grant

  • Access to shared company car

  • Nutritious daily lunches

  • Daily selection of fruits and snacks

  • Pet-friendly office - all furry friends are welcome


At Dohop, we believe in building a strong sense of community.

  • We organise regular social events where people can connect and unwind outside of work

  • We have a yearly offsite event for all Dohoppers, as well as an annual trip abroad.

  • Our regular hackathons are an opportunity to collaborate and work on innovative projects.

Join us at Dohop and experience a work environment that encourages creativity, flexibility, and growth

We are always looking for talented individuals to join our team, so check out our open positions and apply today!

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Here’s what we’re looking for in people

At Dohop, we value the unique qualities and characteristics that each employee brings to the table. We believe that diversity and inclusivity are essential to building a strong and dynamic team. Here’s what we look for in people:

Fun and don’t take yourself too seriously.

We want you to feel comfortable being yourself and not afraid to make mistakes or take risks.

Welcoming and respectful of others.

You know that people come from different backgrounds and experiences, and you value these differences regardless of their position in life.

Hard working and willing to work towards goals.

You are driven, ambitious, hard-working, and willing to work towards your goals, both personally and professionally.

Deliver with impact.

You are solution-oriented and aren't afraid to ask difficult questions. You see opportunities where others see challenges.

Open-minded and willing to try new things.

You know that sometimes, even the weirdest ideas lead to the best solutions.

Does it sound like you?

Don't waste time, apply now

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